Quantum programming training - UTT Troyes

09 / 02 / 2024, ,
Mesonet and CompetenceCentre CC-FR are glad to invite you to a quantum programming training at UTT (Troyes).
1. Basics session : face to face AND visio
The quantum expert Eviden will introduce
- Quantum computing : what is a qubit, how to represent it and how to build circuits,
- An overview of the Evidenemulator : Qaptiva™ a platform for programming, optimizing and simulating quantum computations
During several hands-on sessions, you will code your first Quantum program involving superposition and entanglement (EPR pair) on quantum Learning Machine localized at URCA (Reims).
Date : March 28th (9.00am - 5.00pm)
This session is free, follow this link for registration : https://romeo.univ-reims.fr/limesurvey/index.php/215736?lang=fr
!! Number of participants is limited !!
2. Democenter tour
A visit of the L2n (Laboratory of Light, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies) is proposed on the following day (March 29th January). Four experimentations are scheduled :
- Hands-on a 2qubits computer
- Quantum optic and photonic alignment
- Production of photons/entangled 2qubits
- Introduction to quantum key distribution
Date : March 29th (8.30am – 5.30pm)
Fees applies (500 euros), follow this link for more information and registration : https://ecosystem.photonhub.eu/trainings/product/?action=view&id_form=7&id_form_data=39
!! Number of participants is limited !!
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