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Quantum programming training - UTT Troyes

09 / 02 / 2024, ,

Mesonet and CompetenceCentre CC-FR are glad to invite you to a quantum programming training at UTT (Troyes).


1. Basics session : face to face AND visio

The quantum expert Eviden will introduce

  • Quantum computing : what is a qubit, how to represent it and how to build circuits,
  • An overview of the Evidenemulator : Qaptiva™ a platform for programming, optimizing and simulating quantum computations

During several hands-on sessions, you will code your first Quantum program involving superposition and entanglement (EPR pair) on quantum Learning Machine localized at URCA (Reims).

Date : March 28th (9.00am - 5.00pm)

This session is free, follow this link for registration :


!! Number of participants is limited !!


2. Democenter tour

visit of the L2n (Laboratory of Light, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies) is proposed on the following day (March 29th January). Four experimentations are scheduled :

  • Hands-on a 2qubits computer
  • Quantum optic and photonic alignment
  • Production of photons/entangled 2qubits
  • Introduction to quantum key distribution


Date : March 29th (8.30am – 5.30pm)


Fees applies (500 euros), follow this link for more information and registration :



!! Number of participants is limited !!





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