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Workshop EUMaster4HPC à Reims le 12 décembre 2022

01 / 11 / 2022, ,

URCA and ROMEO are hosting the "HPC Careers" workshop of the EUMaster4HPC European Master in HPC on 12 December 2022.

URCA is a partner in the EUMaster4HPC project, which aims to develop a European HPC curriculum:

This day will allow the exchange between students and professionals. It take place un Amphi E, building 2, Campus Moulin de la Housse.

Registration is closed.




Cliquez sur les présentations pour afficher les vidéos


 9h00 : Welcome and opening
Pierre Puigdomenech, Co-founder
Alberto Garcia, HPC Architect
Jean-Yves Blanc, Chief IT Architect
Jean-Marc Denis, Head of Business Development HPC and Cloud Solutions
10h40 : Break
Jean-Thomas Acquaviva, Team lead Research Group
Xavier VIGOUROUX, HPC-AI business development manager
12h00 : lunch, exchanges and visit of ROMEO
14h00 : Academic point of view
14h15 : French Ministry of the Armed Forces 
Michael Krajecki, AI Project Director, Defence Artificial Intelligence Coordination Unit (CCIAD) - 
Frederic Hannoyer, General Manager 
Camille Berge-Fourrez, Business Partner RH & Talent Acquisition Officer
Jean-Didier Pailleux
15h25 : Academic point of view : 
16h00 : end of day




The event is organised in amphitheatre E, building 2 of the Moulin de la Housse campus in Reims, accessible by car via avenue de l'Yser (level 46), and by bus (access to Faculté des sciences, lines 3, 11 and 30). 

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