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AI4DI KickOffMeeting

01 / 01 / 2019, ,

AI4DI KickOffMeeting


Registration by private link provided to partners and guests.

How to reach Reims ?

By TGV Train, Reims is 35 minutes from Paris and 30 minutes from Charles de Gaule Airport. User either "REIMS" (City Center) or "CHAMPAGNE-Ardenne" station (20 minutes from City Center or 10 minute from Campus by Tramway B)

By Car, Reims is about 1,5 hour from Paris and Paris Airports.

By Bus :

By Shuttle : 

Where to stay in Reims ?

We suggest you to stay in an hotet at City-Center, close to the Place d'Erlon and to Tramway line :

(price are indicatives)

Stydent may also consider the Reims’s international centre

How to reach the Croix-Rouge CAMPUS ?

Location of event is :

Campus Croix Rouge,

Rue Pierre Taitinger

Building 13 - Amphithéatre Research 

51100 Reims

Map of the campus :

From City Center and Reims Train station : Tramway A (direction Hopital Debré) or B  (direction Gare Champagne TGV), station Campus Croix Rouge

From Champagne-Ardenne TGV Station : Tramway B  (direction Neufchatel), station Campus Croix Rouge

Full page : Campus access

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