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Séminaire le 13 septembre : Christoph Junghans, Co-Design at Los Alamos National Laboratory, UFR SEN - Amphi 4 à 14h30

31 / 08 / 2018, ,

Nous aurons le plaisir d'accueillir Christoph Junghans, chercheur à Los Alamos pour un séminaire tout à fait exceptionnel.

Le séminaire aura lieu jeudi 13 septembre à 14h30 à l'UFR SEN en Amphi 4.


Voici un résumé de l'intervention :

Title: Co-Design at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Christoph Junghans, CCS-7, LANL

Co-Design is the social and technical equivalent to a
multiple-constraint optimization problem. The rapid evolution of
computing architectures and the expanding space between specializations
in domain science and computer architecture means that it is impossible
for a single individual to cover all of the skills needed to solve
current-day computational science challenges. Co-Design bridges this
space through interactions between members of an interdisciplinary team.
With the right amount of overlap, team members can communicate with each
other effectively to solve a problem. In this talk, we will present how
we applied Co-Design principles to material science and ordinates
neutral particle transport applications. In addition, we will show
results from the last Co-Design Summer Schools 2016-2017, which covers
topics from Astrophysics over Accelerated Molecular Dynamics to

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